Here are two interesting links illustrating the need to educate children about money management:
1. Today's Parent magazine: How to teach your kids money-saving skills.
2. Fairchild TV - Magazine 26 (in Cantonese):
It is extremely important to educate children at an early age about money and finance. Creating a solid financial foundation will equip our children with the tools to make wise decisions when they grow up. For example, buying vs renting, financing vs leasing, fixed rate vs variable rate, good debt vs bad debt, etc. For now we will not touch upon these advanced topics, but we will introduce and reinforce basic concepts such as saving, paying bills, budgeting, etc.
Our goal is to create the educational tools that parents and teachers utilize when they teach at home and at school respectively. Our objective is to write fun books that children read and rely on for financial education. Our mission is to develop a dynamic platform where money and finance can be discussed with children. This is Emperor Education!